Wednesday, December 12, 2012

All about reindeer and electricity

Breanna was a FABULOUS teacher of the day! She did a great job with spelling December for the month, sunny for the weather, and showing us if the 75th day of school was an even or odd day. She was busy this morning!

We practiced finding -et words in our new et book. see the kids faces light up when they realize they can read a book!

We practiced identifying complete sentences while learning about reindeer during Writers Workshop. Aaron did a job finding the subject! And did you know that reindeer are good swimmers? My kids apparently already knew that. In fact, 2 of them informed me that they have swimming pools in their backyards and they go swimming all the time with their pet reindeer. Ha!

Then we practiced writing complete sentences using our tree map about reindeer. Emann wrote that reindeer have hooves. If you look closely, you can see the first line...Jessica wrote that reindeer are herbivores!

After we brainstormed some words about reindeer together, I put them to work and had them fill out their own tree map. Justin was so proud of his!

Of course, no independent writing by a boy would be complete without having gross words on their paper! Aaron wrote that reindeer can burp. Wow...they sure do know a lot about reindeer! ;)

In Science, we've been learning how to conserve energy/electricity. We made these cute little door hangers today to help you all remember to turn off your lights. Lezlie took the whole decorate your door hanger thing seriously!

On our way to computer lab today, we passed by Mrs. Hardin's class. Our horse-lover, Jessica, spotted Mia's cute shirt. I had to snap a pic of Jessica's excitement! And, btw, isn't Jessica doing a great job of following my library book rule, "Hug it like you love it"?

During Computer Lab, Mrs. Morton let them go to I love hearing the kiddos talk while they have their headphones's loud! But oh so funny! Nicholas realized that he and Breanna were on the same game, so he told her that they could be best friends forever because they were playing the same game. Cuteness!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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