Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A terrific Tuesday

Mr. Emilio was our teacher for the day. He brought a feather pen to show us this morning. I thought that was perfect since we were talking about how light feathers were just yesterday! The kids thought it was so strange that you can write with a feather and use that different paper. ;)

Mr. Emilio also did a fabulous job spelling "December" for our month and "cloudy" for our weather by using our songs.

We sorted pictures today that began with e or c they are getting really good at figuring out the beginning sounds of words now!

Then we learned that the letter e in the middle of words has a different sound...the short e.

Check this out! Lezlie couldn't find one of her pictures for her independent work, so she figured out that her name had a short e and she decided all by herself that she should write that inside if her web. That's some clever thinking!

During writing, we worked on adding details to our sentences. They were very helpful with suggesting some great words to add to our sentences!

Then we edited our papers with red pens for punctuation and capitalization. Have you noticed that your kiddos are starting to use a lot less capital letters at home? ;)

This afternoon we watched a video on YouTube about the gingerbread man. It was fun getting to sing this classic!

Then we completed our tree map to determine what a gingerbread man is, can do, and has.

After our hard work in writing, we had some fun with weighing different objects in the class. I must say that I want so sure how the kids would do using the balances, but they did a great job and quickly learned how to use them.

When the class got back from PE, they noticed that we had a visitor in our room. They were a little...ummm...upset that SHE wasn't a he and they didn't think that SHE was real. But I told them that she is a school elf and that she has to look different from home elves. ;) Is that convincing enough?!?! Anyway, with that craziness, we didn't get to vote on our elves name. We'll pick out a name for her tomorrow...I can't wait to see what her new name is!

I almost forgot to snap a pick of my PE stars after the elf excitement. So I quickly snapped this pic of Emann holding her card and Adam's card while she was enjoying her candy cane from the elf.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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