Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 132

Mr. Max helped us read about the needs of plants during shares reading.

Look at these precious readers during centers! They get so excited if they finish a center early because they get to spread out and free read or write about whatever they want.

Ava did a great job matching up CR words.

These sweet boys were working hard on their flower paintings!

We sorted out 3D shapes during math. They were able to explain to me the different attributes of each shape without me asking too many questions!

We watched a fun sight word song. They're are picking these words up so fast!

Today was Janitor Appreciation Day, so we made a card for the fabulous team that takes care of us!

I receive this pic a few days ago from Max's dad. He collected 10 box tops to add to our class collection!

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 131

I loved getting to see how creative everyone was with their 3D hunt from around the house!




Rectangular prisms...

In Phonics, we worked on the oat words and the CR blend.

Since it's Spring, we have to add some color to my class! So they are working on painting and labeling flowers during center time. I love these!!!

Aaden and Maya got to take reading quizzes over their reading books today. They did a great job!

I love how Sean was really using his picture clues to help him figure out his reading group book!

Cason wrote a great sentence about bears after our discussion of plural/singular nouns.

We worked on taking our thoughts about bunnies from yesterday and put them into stories today. Wow! What stamina!!!

Sophie was the Art star student today. Way to go!

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Day 130

Miss Ava did a great job with filling in the missing letters during our morning Chit Chat!

In phonics, we worked on ig words and the CR blend.

I always give them some time to free write right after recess. Check out this writing concentration!!!

During writing, we discussed which is better...a real bunny or chocolate bunny. They had to pick a side and be able to give 3 reasons. Then the rest of the week, we'll work on turning those reasons into complete thoughts.

Janya did a great job sharing her 3 reasons with the class!

We're focusing on 3D shapes the rest of the week. So we'll be listening to this 3D shape song all week. It serious gets stuck in your head!

Thank you, parents, for providing our 3D shape snacks today! They loved sorting them and eating them, of course!

The spheres, aka grapes, were HUGE!!! They gave us all a giggle! So fun!

After we ate all of our math, we sorted out real life pictures that look like 3D shapes.

I downloaded Pete the Cat's Big Easter Adventure to one of my iPads. It was fun for ten to hear the story read by someone else!

Speaking of iPads...every teacher received a new iPad Air yesterday! I'm so thankful and excited to add this one to my center time!!! I just need to find a protective case for it!

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 129

Look who was the flag holder for morning announcements today!

Rasikh wrote me this sweet poem last night...what a way to start my day!

We were working on making "ake" words. I love what Max thought of!

We learne the difference between plural and singular nouns during writing. I think they got the hang of it!

Miss Ava was the music all star today AND they earned all 5 stars for doing a great job!

We started learning all about 3D shapes today. I was impressed with all of the info they could tell me about the shapes already!

Don't forget to wear blue for Autism Awareness tomorrow!

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