Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Balentime's Day!

I've seriously been working on helping them sound out this word correctly all week. But it's just so stinkin cute to hear them say it wrong!

We had a wild and CRAZY day today! TGIF for us!

We worked on identifying sight words in our Valentine shared reading.

They did a great job with it!

During center time, they got to use the Smart Board for Valentine activities. They were SUPER excited about it! Miss Carrie did a great job as our teacher and helping us figure out how to do the activities.

During Phonics, we did BLob painting with Valentine colors. So fun!

Rachel couldn't think of what her blob looked like, so the rest of the team helped her figure out that it looked like a Razorback. Love it!

During centers, partners helped each other read and pass out their Valentine cards by putting them in the CUTE boxes. Check out all of these creative boxes! cute! Avaleigh's box included Fancy Nancy. Her tutu was the box.

This silly group wouldn't give me a smile, so I had to trick them to get the pic. I love these cute jokesters!

They were so proud to show off their boxes!

These cuties tried to hide behind their boxes. I had some sillies in my class all day!

While the room moms and I were finishing prepping for the party, I let them watch a few minutes of the Charlie Brown Valentine movie.

I also read this cute book. It is a sequel to Olive the Other Reindeer. I love the play on words.

Wow! Maybe I talk about chocolate a little too much with my class. ;) I truly am blessed by such a supportive group!

During the party, we had ice cream sundaes. However, they had to work to earn their sundaes by finding classmates that met different criteria such as someone who has the same color hair as you, someone that has lost at least 2 teeth, someone that has a name beginning with the letter C, etc.

I have to be honest that I was a little nervous about how this activity would go, but it worked perfectly and they did great!

Needless to say, they all earned all of their parts to their sundaes! ;)

Thank you to all of those that sent items for the party and to those that were able to help during the party! I couldn't have done it all without your help!!!

The kiddos had fin getting to just hang out and eat LOTS of sugar!

I let them draw on their tablecloths with marker when they finished their sundaes. You would've thought that I gave them $1 million due to their excitement!

They got pretty creative with their sundae concoctions!

And their faces got pretty colorful!

I'm so impressed with all of the dads that were able to stop by! I'm so not used to that, but am so appreciative of having the male role models in the classroom! Thanks dads!!!

I love the green lipstick! Ha!

We even had a little time for some Bingo. This was great practice for reviewing our number identification!

I don't know why these pics are turned, but I still have to share. I hope that your child came home today with their ADORABLE placemats from their photo booth pic that Alexee's mom took. She also made me a collage of all of the cute pics, too. I will definitely cherish this!

I saw this pillow tonight and thought it was ironic that we've been using this word a lot in our class this week for our "bl" blend discussion. It made me smile!

I sure hope that y'all had a Happy Valentines Day and that you enjoy your weekend with your kiddos! Don't forget that the kids will be out tomorrow and Monday. I sent home paper reminders and an email reminder for your conference time. I look forward to seeing all you next week!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! Love the Fancy Nancy Valentine box--so cute and creative!
