Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 15

It was just another Manic Monday! Mondays are typically a long day because we stay in the class pretty much all day with the exception of lunch/recess. But I was so proud of their stamina they had all day!!!

Mr. Peter was an awesome King today! He helped us find some missing beginning sounds during Chit Chat.

We learned all about the letter Aa during Phonics and practiced writing the uppercase and lowercase letter.

Mrs. Jenkins, the GT teacher, does come to our class Monday mornings, so they do get a little break of looking at my face. 😉 Today she read a book that used the letters in the forms of illustrations. Then she had the kids create their first initial into something.

From drab... FAB!!! G is for garden.

M is for 4-headed monster.

E is for eagles eating scrambled eggs.

I introduced a new sight word today..."like". They did great with finding it in some of the books today!

During counting collections, I introduced the 20s chart to help them with counting and number identification.

They also got to practice writing int their math journals. They're getting great with labeling their work!

We also learned all about the number one today! We worked on what it would look like on a die or domino, how many tally marks to make to show 1, how to show it with our hand, and how to add to make 1! We'll be using these strategies all week to learn all about numbers. I'm anxious to see them learn all about adding the numbers!!!

After learning all about the number, we showed our work on a skills sheet. I love all of these working positions while working on the perimeter of the carpet!!!

And we finally got to start working on our precious Pete the Cats! This requires some major listening skills and motor skills with scissors! And it requires a little bit of a mess, but the results are on so worth it! I can't wait for y'all to see them!!!

Don't forget that Grandparents Day is THIS Thursday! I can't wait to meet all of their special people!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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