Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 27

We've been working on blending phonemes (sounds) this week. The kids are starting to really get the hang of it! I love their excitement when they realize they can figure out what a word says!!!

They met my friend "Fifi Fish" today. She introduced us to the letter F. These are the words that begin with F that they brainstormed. Check out the word "FABULOUS"!!!

Jordyn helped us find some more words that contain the letter f on Starfall.

During writing, we worked on sentence building. This or was perfect since it was right after we ate and played! They were so proud of themselves for finding "I" and "and"!

We talked about the 3 states of matter today. They were able to help me identify which items were solids, liquids, or gases.

They love Wednesday because of our PAT time and computer lab time! And the weather was perfect for us to get some fresh air!!!!

I showed them how to navigate around on the computer. They were so engaged that you could've heard a pin drop! I love using technology any chance I can!

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Day 26

We prepared for our Freedom parade this morning by decorating and discussing some of our national symbols.

Today was picture day. Everyone looked so handsome/pretty!

Miss Ava's birthday was today! She was one happy little girl!

Happy Fall y'all! So to kick off Fall, we're focusing on apples. I love this page! They all know that it's the iPad/iPhone symbol!

Then we worked on adding apples to the apple tree.

Macy was the Music star today. Way to go!

Don't forget to send a paper towel roll wrapped in foil by Thursday morning!

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Day 25

This week we are learning about the color blue. Ask your cutie to spell it for you!

Our sight word is "and". Max was so proud to show is the word in our read aloud!

Mrs. Jenkins came today and talked to us about liking ourselves.

In math, we're still working on ways to make 5. But we're also working on out the numbers in order.

We are learning about verbs this week!

We had a great discussion to describe the verbs in this picture.

I let one of the groups use the Smartboard yesterday afternoon. They were excited!

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A glimpse of last week

Sorry I've been MIA with the blog! But have no fear...I have plenty of pics to share!!!

The kiddos are really catching onto reading/spelling our September song and finding out sight words! Ask your cutie to spell September for you at home!

Last Wednesday, we learned what the hump day camel commercial means! 😉

During our Chit Chat, we've been working on sounding out some words and finding the missing sounds.

Last week, we learned about the color green. They can spell it now!

Mr. Academy was our king on Wednesday and brought a whisk for show and tell because e likes to cook. So fun!

And who doesn't like a cute Kinder in cool shades?

He did a great job with helping us learn all about the letter p, too!

Sweet Mariana brought me a beautiful PINK rose! I LOVE the color!!!!

We received our Box Tops collection box last week! Don't forget to turn your box tops in! And remember that they need to be in a Baggie labeled with your child's name an my name!

Our sight word last week was "the". We figured out that it begins with the "th" blend too!

Have heard that Kinders will be receiving grades this year? So we had our first language arts "test". I'm so proud of how they worked!

On Thursday, Mr. Cason was our last king. He brought his Mario doll to show off...the boys loved it!

When these two cuties came back from their Kids with Character celebration, they told us all about it. I can't wait to see who receives the award next month!

How are your kiddos doing with reading at home? They're doing great with reading in my classroom!

I love our letter hunt homework! They have been really creative with finding some awesome pictures to match the letter!

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