They met my friend "Fifi Fish" today. She introduced us to the letter F. These are the words that begin with F that they brainstormed. Check out the word "FABULOUS"!!!

Jordyn helped us find some more words that contain the letter f on Starfall.

During writing, we worked on sentence building. This or was perfect since it was right after we ate and played! They were so proud of themselves for finding "I" and "and"!

We talked about the 3 states of matter today. They were able to help me identify which items were solids, liquids, or gases.

They love Wednesday because of our PAT time and computer lab time! And the weather was perfect for us to get some fresh air!!!!

I showed them how to navigate around Abcya.com on the computer. They were so engaged that you could've heard a pin drop! I love using technology any chance I can!

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