Sunday, February 2, 2014

We learned about the cl blend and og word family this week. Check out Sean's list of cl words that he came up with!

We're also differentiating between vowels and consonants so we're dissecting the name of the teacher of the day now. They are loving it!

I love how Macy and Shona are taking the reading so serious suing

During writing, I read this book and then they had to write about a time when they used their imagination.

Maya and Keith did a great job with sharing her story with the class!

After share time they went through their own stories and highlighted any past tense verbs they used. They did a great job with this!

During math all week we worked on finding different sums. They're getting really good with their addition facts!

Miss Sophie was the music star on Tuesday! Way to go!

Speaking of "go", it was one of our sight words this week. We use our sight words as the passwords to enter ad exit the classroom every time!

Max brought me a letter first thing Wednesday morning. So sweet!

And Lilly made me a hot pink bracelet!

During calendar math, we've been learning about 2d and 3d shapes. They're catching on quickly!

They were so I excited that I let them go to the library this week to change their books since we haven't been in school on our Mondays that we are scheduled to go.

Wednesday afternoon we loaded up on the bus to head to the play. They loved getting to ride on the bus with other classes!

They loved getting to see "Click Clack Moo"!

During calendar math, I've introduced them to figuring out if a number is even or odd. They picked this up quick!

During centers this week, I was busy assessing everyone on various skills. I'm amazed with all of their progress!!!

Did you see your cutie's bracelet? We made them during math to help solve problems using sums of ten.

Friday morning, we started the day with a game of word family hot potato. We haven't played in a while, but they sure were faster this time and we continued the game for a bit longer, too!

We worked on rhyming words by focusing on short vowel sounds and word families.

Since Sunday is Groundhogs Day, we predicted if the groundhog would see its shadow and then learned a lot of facts about the animal.

Did you know that it can chuck about 700 lbs.???

Max's birthday was Friday. He was super excited and loved that he got to wear his name everywhere!

Our fabulous school hosted a blood drive and also a swab party for blood cancer. So Mrs. Hardin and I stopped by the gym to get swabbed.

We had a fun and busy week! I hope that you all take time to relax and enjoy the weekend!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone...please excuse any typos!!!

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