Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Days 40 & 41

Yesterday Kevin helped us start Chit Chat with spelling out the month and what the weather was like.

We learned all about the letter b so we worked on finding the missing b within words.

Kevin helped us figure out some more b words.

And we practiced writing the letter b correctly!

We got to fill out our pledge-o-meter and learned that we are in the lead for the entire school. Sooo exciting!!!

A lot of my Kinders received a bunch of prizes for all of their pledges over the weekend!

Mrs. Jenkins came to our class and talked to us about bats. After she read about them, she asked us what life would be like without bats. Maya answer was the best...there wouldn't be anymore Halloween! I love a Kinders' mind!!!

Jordyn helped us find the new sight word "we".

Then we had a visit from Mrs. Holcomb, a friend of Mrs. Snipes (one of recently retired teachers). She came to read Cordoroy to the class. They loves listening to her read!

Have you seen the flex space yet? We're getting ready for the Fall Carnival this Thursday night! I hope you make plans to swing by! It's always so much fun!!!

We got to go to library yesterday afternoon and work on story structure with Mrs. Cantrell. She read a story set in the Wild Wild West. But according to the kiddos that was only back in the 80s! Ha!

Then they got to check out new library books.

Today it looked like my class forgot to get ready for school! J/K! They all looked so cute in their pjs!

Here are my Scooby sleepers.

The Angry Birds and Perry the platypus group.

The princesses!

Check out these cute boys!

And all of these animal lovin' girls!

We worked hard on finding some more B words during phonics.

During Writers Workshop, they did a great job with thinking, drawing, writing, and reading about what to do on a rainy day.

We worked on our sight word "we" again. You can help them at home by having then use their sight words in sentences!

We found out that we're still in the lead for the most pledges in the entire school today! They were SUPER excited about it, too!!!

So they all received boomerangs today. So fun!

During math, they worked on an addition word problem about pumpkins. I must say that they did a FABULOUS job!!!

Kevin did a great job with explaining his work to the class!

Maya was the music star today. Way to go!

Don't forget that tomorrow is crazy hair day AND the Fun Run! I hope to see you at 1!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone...please excuse any typos!!!

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