Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What's gonna work? Teamwork!

Inside of Team Dees' stadium, we have been learning about teamwork and how to make decisions with our teammates. A few weeks ago, the class did an activity called Counting Collections and had to determine the best way to count different objects. I must say that I'm VERY impressed at how well my team works together this year!!!

Justin, Savannah, and Anna grouped their snap cubes together.

"Ugh! Too many beads, Mrs. Dees!" is what I heard from several of the groups that came to the beads collection. Ha!
Helen, Allissa, and Mitchell did a great job on grouping the beads together.

Mary Kate and Brandon counted their notebooks.

Ava, Cooper, and Devanshika did a great job on double checking their counting!

Such hard workers! Bella, McKenzie, and Destin grouped their pencils into twos to count them faster.

Look at that teamwork! Jack, Chloe, and Ella worked well together counting out the erasers.

Justin, Giovanni, and Giada counted beads

We even work well together to get out of the door quickly at dismissal. Sometimes they have a few seconds to spare so we can squeeze in one more teambuilding activity like "Telephone". I wonder when that game will fade out and it will turn into "Texting". ;)

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