Monday, October 29, 2012

A Happy Monday

As soon as I got to my classroom this morning, I found this red poster on my door along with a few goodies on my table from some of my former 3rd graders. This sure did put a BIG smile on my fave and was a great way to start off my week!

The poster has a bunch of happy-grams from these cute girls. I especially love the pic of Diet Coke, the Razorbacks, and chocolate!

On my table, I found a typed book personally written by these girls and a bag. Look at what I found inside the bag. Isn't it cute?

We blended phonemes today and then practiced writing the sounds that we heard when stretching out the words. Check out those awesome words! There's bug, leaf, rock, web, book, and cat. I love how they really thought about the sounds!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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