Wednesday, January 21, 2015

91 days smarter!

Zero the Hero left us another countdown to 100 days sheet yesterday. We've almost been here for 100 days! Wow! The progress!!!
We welcomed a new friend yesterday to our Ja'Khyerion! Such a cutie! 
Kylie made me a "Best" necklace to go with her "Friends" necklace. I love that they all know that I'm their friend! 
Zada and Malyn were the music stars yesterday. Way to go!
This morning I saw double when I walked in! Cute little twins! 
Josiah helped us find our new sight words "find" and "this".
AND we got to go outside or PAT today!!!! Woohoo!!!! Can you believe this weather?!?! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

84 days smarter!

The past few days have been so cold so we've been having indoor recess, which means we've been doing in our class. They love this! If you're needing an indoor activity at home, check it out!
We've been working hard on subtraction too! 
And since it's been so cold, we decided to build Olaf in our class. They had so fun building this togehter! And writing the directions! 
Im proud of my MVPs!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

82 days smarter!

The weather this week is perfect for us to focus on snowmen! And naturally we have to think about Olaf during this time and sing his song about dreaming of summer! 
I'm reading this series is snowmen books this week. I love getting the kids reactions after I read this particular one since it's so similar to Olaf! 
And since we're focusing sequence of events in reading this week, we talked about where Olaf would go after he gets on a plane. The kids loved gettin to draw/write about it. 
I hope your family (including your pets) are staying warm tonight! My little Miss 9-pound Holly Bell couldn't wait to snuggle up with me as soon as we got home!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

81 days smarter!

Happy 2015!!! I was so excited to the all of those sweet faces this morning!! And I was so proud of them with how quickly they got right back into their routine!!!
I started doing an assessment on the kiddos this morning, and I must say I was impressed how focued they were after being off for two weeks! 
A new month means another "selfie" portrait. Their drawing ability has grown so much! 
Look at this cute happy that the staff received in their mailboxes today from PTA today! I love this! 
We are so lucky to have such talented music teachers! I got to sit in during music class to listen to Mrs. Burrall sing with the kids. So cute! 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

'Twas the week before Christmas break

The week before Christmas at school is alway filled with fun, fun, fun...all while learning important life skills of course! We worked on wrapping our parent gifts.
We celebrated all of the December birthdays that were going to occur during the break.
And the kids spoiled me with love and gifts during the party. Unfortunately, I didn't snap any pics during the party! 
On Friday, we enjoyed lounging around in a our pjs for "Now I lay me down to read" day! And we had several older siblings and other students come read to is throughout the day. 

I hope that you all enjoyed the break with your kids and had fun times celebrating the holidays!