Our very first Field Day here at Roberts was hysterical, brilliant, and of course, fun!!! I think most of the kids' favorite game was the Over-Under-Sponge Game. Most of them enjoyed getting soaked. I hope that you will enjoy these pictures (some are turned sideways for some reason) and the comments made by my class.
Some of the boys enjoyed getting really cold first thing in the morning. |
The girls enjoyed getting soaked as well. |
The girls also enjoyed beating the boys in most of the games. :) Go girls!!! |
Go, Drew, go! |
Hurry up! The "Buddy Walkers" game was very challenging! |
Go, David, go, Camryn!!! I loved watching all of the kids participate in the 3-legged-race! |
Awww... |
Go, you're almost there!!! |
Oops! |
This was the boys trying to distract me when I threw the ball and unfortunatley missed. However, I came back and scored a 4 for the girls' team! :) |
Smile! |
Who knew that the parachute could be so hard? The kids really enjoyed NOT following the diretcions on this activity. :) |
We've got to beat the 2nd graders! And we did!!! |
Cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, cha... |
Pull, pull, pull!!! Ok, the boys are actually stronger than the girls (including myself), so the boys won this activity. |
Check out this multitasking that Maggie is doing (drinking a smoothie that we got from Planet Smoothie while signing Emily's Field Day shirt). |
Luka getting practice signing his autograph before he becomes a famous author or superstar. |
Camryn was showing me his awesome hula-hoop skills and just reminding that I'm not very good at it anymore. |
Around, and around, and around, and... |
Each of the teams had a hard time figuring out the over/under process at first, but they did great once they got the hang of it! |
Come on, we're about to win! |
Too bad I didn't get a picture of one of the kids' most favorite moments of the day...Davidson throwing a water balloon on my back. I just hope that Davidson or his classmastes are watching his back!
Thanks to all of the parents who came out to help. I'm looking forward to next year's Field Day.