Friday, May 27, 2011

Field Day 2011

Our very first Field Day here at Roberts was hysterical, brilliant, and of course, fun!!! I think most of the kids' favorite game was the Over-Under-Sponge Game. Most of them enjoyed getting soaked. I hope that you will enjoy these pictures (some are turned sideways for some reason) and the comments made by my class.
Some of the boys enjoyed getting really cold first thing in the morning.
The girls enjoyed getting soaked as well.

The girls also enjoyed beating the boys in most of the games. :) Go girls!!!

Go, Drew, go!

Hurry up! The "Buddy Walkers" game was very challenging!
Go, David, go, Camryn!!! I loved watching all of the kids participate in the 3-legged-race!


Go, you're almost there!!!

This was the boys trying to distract me when I threw the ball and unfortunatley missed. However, I came back and scored a 4 for the girls' team! :)

Who knew that the parachute could be so hard? The kids really enjoyed NOT following the diretcions on this activity. :)

We've got to beat the 2nd graders! And we did!!!

Cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, cha...

Pull, pull, pull!!! Ok, the boys are actually stronger than the girls (including myself), so the boys won this activity.

Check out this multitasking that Maggie is doing (drinking a smoothie that we got from Planet Smoothie while signing Emily's Field Day shirt).

Luka getting practice signing his autograph before he becomes a famous author or superstar.

Camryn was showing me his awesome hula-hoop skills and just reminding that I'm not very good at it anymore.

Around, and around, and around, and...

Each of the teams had a hard time figuring out the over/under process at first, but they did great once they got the hang of it!

Come on, we're about to win!

Too bad I didn't get a picture of one of the kids' most favorite moments of the day...Davidson throwing a water balloon on my back. I just hope that Davidson or his classmastes are watching his back!
Thanks to all of the parents who came out to help. I'm looking forward to next year's Field Day.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do you know what Miss Arkansas' talent is?

We do! Miss Arkansas, Alyse Eady,  is a ventriloquist. Who knew that would win her a title as Miss Arkansas and the Miss America runner-up? Miss AR visited us this morning to show off her special talent and to motivate us to finish our last few weeks of school. She even taught us how to sing the Alphabet with ventriloquy.
We all got to practice singing the ABC's as a ventriloquist. Can you do it?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Be sure to scroll down the page...there's been a lot of updates! And don't forget to click on the pages at the top to see what's going on in each subject!

A Visit from the AR Symphony

First, I'm not really sure why these pictures are turned sideways...ugh! But you can still see that we had a fun time! The AR Symphony came to visit us today. The children were able to pretend that they were part of the Symphony themselves. We even had our very own conductor!

Coreyuna played the piccolo.

Camryn played the oboe (the note during tuneup).

Doesn't Machiya look like a natural on the bassoon?

Each section of the Symphony took a turn to practice their piece.

Bennett played the French Horn.

Luka was the group's conductor...I think this was very fitting for him!
Adrienne and Skylar were part of the Percussion group. Skylar played the Bass Drum.
Luka, of course, had to strike a pose.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

BMX Bike Show

We just got through with our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser, so we celebrated with a bike show. For those that sold at least one box got to attend the show. Thanks to all of you for your support throughout the year!

Kevin, Davison, Luka, and Bennett showing their rockin' biker smiles.

A few kids from the crowd were chosen to participate in one of the stunts (a bike jumping over all four of them, plus two of the other bikers) . I love the one boy that has his arm around someone else so they could squeeze in!

Bentley got to sit in the "VIIP" section for selling several boxes. I know he loved this considering all he talks about is SK8ing. :)

Mrs. Anderson even got pulled into one of the stunts. The skater high-fived her while flying past her. Yikes!

Look in the top right corner and you can see the skater catching some air. They were all so fast and went so high. Wow!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A visit from Barry Brandt

We've been talking about weather in Science these past few weeks, so we invited Barry Brandt to come visit us to discuss how he studies weather in his job.
Can you believe this was Barry Brant's first time to use a Smart Board?
I think the kids really enjoyed trying to tell him how to use the board. ;) But we were impressed with his drawing of the storm examples and the U.S. Map!

Appropriatley, the kids were FULL of storm and weather questions!

Thanks, Mr. Brandt, for helping us understand a little more about clouds and storms!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Author Visits

We've been fortunate to have a couple author visits this year. Earlier in the school year, we had Darcy Pattison (author of The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman and many others) visit us and talk to us about how she came up with story ideas and the publishing process.

Then we just had a visit from Carla McClafferty. She has done a lot of research on the life of George Washington and wrote The Many Faces of George Washington along with several other books. This was appropriate considering we are working hard on our very own research projects. They were very fascinated with all of Ms. McClafferty's pictures that she had of George Washington. I think we all learned a lot about how fun research can be.