Thursday, October 27, 2011

Red Ribbon Week was a blast!

We had so much fun celebrating Red Ribbon Week with all of our different spirit days, unfortunately I didn't take many pictures! I at least captured a pic of my favorite little sports fans! The Red Ribbon Rally was a lot of fun, too!

Wearing red and being drug free looks so good on everyone!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Grandparent's Day and a little bit of math

The kids had so much fun with Grandparent's Day. I loved watching all of the kids show off their school to their grandparents...they especially like showing off our "Scoreboard" (Smart Board) and our little trick with writing on their desks! The kids did a great job with singing for all of the grandparents, too!

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Once we settled back down after all of the fun we had with Grandparent's Day, we moved onto learning how to find the area of a space. Once the kids got the hang of finding the area, they quickly figured out how to find the area of different shapes in our multi-color tiled floor all over the building.

Friday, September 30, 2011

My kids wrote all over the desks!

Look at this amazing trick that Ms. Adams showed me last year! Can you believe that I actually encourage my students to write  on their desks?!?! The kids get so excited to do word problems now during math as well as other work. Besides making classwork more fun, this is more "green", too.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We went to Gold Flats and built towers

Over the past few weeks we have visited a made-up town called Gold Flats. The students have learned why it is so important to have rules/laws in a community. Earlier this week, we had a Readers' Theater and the students got to play the role of the jury to decide which character was doing the right thing. I must say, that this is one tough jury!

We are also learning concepts for multiplication. Today the students got to build towers to relate skip-counting with multiplication. I love how they all work so well together!

Monday, September 12, 2011

All About Me (Part 3)

We finished up sharing our Me Collages today. I seriously have enjoyed getting to know all about my teammates this way!



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dictionaries from the Rotary Club

Every year the LR Rotary Club donates dictionaries to third graders throughout the city. I look forward to this every year because I LOVE watching the students' reactions when they get their very own dictionaries. I know it sounds so simple, but they have so much fun looking up different words. But the bonus is that the alphabet for sign language and the "longest word" are in there. I've been teaching 3rd grade for seven years now and I still haven't been able to figure out the word!

McKenzie was selected to model how to look up a word and its definition. She did a great job!

The ladies from Rotary always read fun books to the group, too.

 The kids lining up to get their very own dictionary...

Thank you, Rotary Club, for our dictionaries!

All About Me (Part 2) and just a typical day

Here are a few more of my teammates sharing their "Me Collages"...

Mary Kate loves Uno!

Luke showed an "action shot" of him jumping into his pool.

Jack, our hunter, shared great info. about his family!

Destin did a great job talking about his family!

Chloe did a great job talking about her favorites.

Ava is our little entrepreneuer. She wants to be in charge of Arbonne when she grows up. ;)

After everyone got a chance to share their Me Collages, the kids got to participate in a fun Readers' Theater. Then they got to partake in a very important to decide who will win in the Razorback games.

As you can see, there are way more Hogs than Lobos! I've got a very smart team!