Thursday, December 16, 2010

Way to help the Earth!!!!

Mr. Spencer just announced that Team Dees won the recycling contest for the first semester! WAY TO GO TEAM DEES!!!! This announcement is a perfect way to end our semester. I am so proud of all of teammates. Now we get to celebrate with a pizza party when we come back to school in January!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Team Dees has Local Artists

Do you need some new art for your house?
You can order many items imprinted with the artwork if you see something that you like.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mystery Readers

We started our Friday Mystery Readers back in November and have enjoyed every visitor that we've had! They especially love the clues and trying to figure out who it will be! If you haven't signed up for a date and would still like to be a Mystery Reader, I have plenty of available dates!
Ms. Gardner, the PE teacher, really stumped them with her clues!
Mrs. Adams has already been twice! She first read I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie at Thanksgiving. Then she read If You Take a Mouse to the Movies. Abby even helped us visualize the story by acting it out. I think you'll need to be looking for Abby's name in celebrity news in a few years when she becomes a famous actor! :)

We also had Anne's mom read to us one week. Sadly, my pictures didn't turn out for some reason.

Thank you to all of my volunteers!!!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our research papers are complete!!!

I am so proud of these kids! They recently completed their first research paper about animals for the year! I don't think I had to do a research paper until Jr. high! But they handled it so well! They searched for information by reading non-fiction books, reading magazines, and even surfing the web!!! After all of their hard work, they all presented their findings about their animal to the rest of the class. We learned so much about all sorts of animals. Way to go, Team Dees! Keep up the hard work!

We exposed our lungs

We recently learned about all of our body systems in Science. For the respiratory system, we diagrammed our lungs so we could show where they are on our body. As you can see, I have a lot of "characters" on my team this year! Thanks, Mrs. Lashbrook, for cutting all 22 sacks for us!